Search the archives

As you’ll know from visiting this site, it’s only the 10 most recent stories that display on the ‘news’ page.

Obviously, therefore, stories are going to drop off the ‘news’ page over time, as newer ones take their place.

But don’t worry, help is at hand!

In case you still aren’t familiar with it, there is a ‘search the archives’ button at the bottom left-hand-side of the ‘news’ page.

This will take you all the way back to the very first story we inputted on our newly vamped website back in April, if that is what you are after.

Say, for example, you wanted some information on the Black Panther’s annual kickboxing show that took place at the Green Isle hotel on Sunday, 2 May this year.

For example, inputting ‘Green Isle hotel’ will list no fewer than three pages of references and display absolutely everything you are looking for, from the pre-fight build-up through to the actual results on the night and all follow-up stories, too.

Alternatively, you could input Rebecca Dillon’s name, or Richard Kiely’s, whatever, and all the relevant information would also display.

The choice is endless, and it couldn’t be easier.

This is for those of you who may be new to the site and not familiar with how it works.

Hopefully you are all enjoying the site.

Occasionally, of course, there will be one or two slack days when there simply aren’t any ‘news’ items to update, but please keep visiting for all that’s best in Irish kickboxing.

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